
Welcome to Iyengar yoga. If you are new to yoga you may be looking to improve your flexibility, build strength, experience deep relaxation, improve your posture or bring a sense of balance to your life.

alt=iyengar yoga pose triangmukhaikapada pascimottanasanaYoga can can help you with all of these!

Yoga can change lives.

It certainly changed mine!

I have been practicing yoga for over 30 years and I teaching Iyengar Yoga since 2003. I hold an Intermediate level 2 Teaching Certificate (2009) and have attended the Iyengar Institute in Pune, India in 2008 and 2012 to study with the Iyengar family. In February 2016 I moved to Sidmouth, Devon where I teach classes in Stowford Community Centre and Primley Road URC Hall.  In addition to yoga classes I also offer one to one yoga tuition, chair yoga and yoga holidays.

Please have a look around the website and if you can’t find the information you want, or if you have any questions please contact me

To find out what students think of my classes have a look at their testimonials.

If you are looking for yoga further afield you will find details of Iyengar events all over the country as well as yoga  holidays on the IYA website

iyengar yoga, qualification, experience, Iyengar teacher, introductory, intermediate, intermediate level 2, trademark logo, yoga
trademark logo

This is the Iyengar Yoga Certification Mark. It is a registered trade-mark which can only be used by certified Iyengar teachers. Iyengar yoga teachers have all been trained to a very high standard and are listed on the official Iyengar yoga website